RAYA Research Projects

graphic of a person holding a clipboard interviewing another person

The Lived Experience of Opportunity Youth

Youth who are not currently in school or work (commonly referred to as "opportunity youth") represent over 12% of youth in the United States, but research on the transition to adulthood often ignores their experiences. To better inform future research and practices, we are conducting interviews with opportunity youth to discuss their goals, plans, experiences, and support.

Transition to Adulthood Experiences in Context

Across the transition from adolescence to young adulthood, youth experience changes across many domains of their lives. To better understand the potentially long-lasting implications of these changes, we are collecting data from a nationwide panel and college students about their experiences during the transition to adulthood (e.g., adult role attainment, wellbeing), relationships with their parents, and their living situations. 

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Risk & Protective Factors in Youths' Behavioral Health

We are conducting secondary analyses of risk and protective factors in youths' exposure to violence and behavioral health using data from the Arizona Youth Survey (AYS). AYS is a biennial survey conducted statewide with Arizona's 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students.